Is Anyone Paying Attention!? – “Hail satan”, “Cock Is Yummy”

There are many things happening in our midst that are going completely unnoticed. We’re riding a pendulum that’s swinging further and further beyond any balance. We’re like frogs in the pot of water that’s gradually being brought to a boil. These things are simply becoming more commonplace, and things that are absolutely not normal or acceptable are becoming familiar and overlooked. We are growing numb!

I know it’s cliche, but I’m going to use the analogy once again… What happens when you squeeze a sponge? That’s right, all of the dirty contents looming under the surface are forced out, exposed, and extracted. Just look at these things that are coming to the surface of our society. It’s one thing to expect immaturity from adolescents, but these are adults that we’re seeing taking to the streets and exposing their filth and lack of sense, morals, honor, and respect. Talk about a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah syndrome. These people show up to protest, and they use these platforms for their own foolish jargon. Look at some of the signs these people were carrying in opposition to a #LetUsWorship protest in Seattle. It’s absolutely astounding, mind-boggling, and scary. “Hail Satan”, “Cock is Yummy”, “No White Saviors – Black Lives Matter”, “Jesus wore a mask”, “BLM” – At least in this group, BLM is 2 for 5 and hints at a worthy cause (keyword “hints”), but then you’ve got one guy who worships the devil and thinks he’s at a satanic rally, one guy who’s extremely confused about when medical masks were invented (dating it back to the time of Jesus), and one sign that is simply offensive and most likely intended just to spur on any negative reaction they can get. For those of you who may not be tracking, the word “Cock” often refers to a male chicken, but it’s also vulgar slang for “penis”. To make matters worse and even more uncomfortable, this sign is being held by a man.

This is the most confused group of protesters I could possibly imagine. No one here knows what they even showed up for! In fact, in one video I saw, a few of them shared they had no connection to one another and didn’t even know what they were protesting. They may look like “young people”, but these aren’t high-schoolers. These are adults who should have maturity, and common sense…

Only times like these could draw out the filth and scum that we didn’t even realize were beneath the surface. To be clear, I’m not calling these people filth and scum, I’m calling out what they stand for. You know, it could go one of 2 ways. The goal in ringing out a sponge is to actually attempt to clean it of its dirty contents so that it can be useful again. So on the one hand, it might be cleansing, the fact that we’re seeing these things surface and brought to the light. At least then we can be fully aware and prepared in our responses and how we may handle it moving forward. On the other hand, it also sheds light on the fact that some common Americans, whom most of us would assume have at least a minimal common sense, may be further gone than we even realized.

I don’t know why, but I feel impressed to zero in and make this point again. These are adults. You know, it struck me out of nowhere the other day that in some cultures, 15 years is old enough to marry and start a life with a spouse, a job, and a potential family. Has anyone noticed that it’s now commonplace for people not to even think about marriage until between 25-30 years old? Has anyone noticed that it’s become commonplace for a 23-year-old to still be living in his parents’ house playing video games full time, rather than taking on any sort of major responsibility and contributing to society? Why do I even make this point? I fear that what we have always deemed as “adolescent” is slowly climbing the ladder and our 23-25-year-olds often act just as childish as our teens.

The World Health Organization considers anyone between the ages of 10 and 21 to be an adolescent, and most neurologists consider the brain still developing into the early third decade (early 20s). Adolescence by definition is a transitional stage of physical and psychological development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood. In America, and in terms of the law, you are an adult at 18.

Regardless of age, maturity, ethnicity, or descent, I think what we’re seeing vividly across the nation in many of these protests is that for so many people who didn’t have a voice or a reason to rise, these platforms (like protests) give them a sense of purpose. Unfortunately, that sense of purpose may not be linked to a process of sound judgment or analysis. People are just looking for any band-wagon that gives them a sense of life, purpose, and comradery. I just wish that we could point all the passion in constructive directions. Right or wrong, there’s one thing you can’t deny, protesters have risen with a passion. This is a good sign because it means there’s a heart beating in America, but we have to find our plumbline again. We should not be accepting abnormal, disturbing behaviors, and letting them slip through the cracks unnoticed. They’re the wolves in sheeps’ clothing cloaked in veils within these widespread protests. Messages like “Hail satan” should be alarming. Who’s sounding the alarm? Where are the whistleblowers that can call “Time Out” on these rising abnormalities? These should be points for concern!

If anyone out there is listening; if anyone is paying attention, can we oppose satanic agendas? Is that freedom of religion, or is it pure evil in our midst? Can we gently inform our neighbor that he’s got his history wrong, that Jesus most definitely did not wear a mask, and that he looks foolish attempting to make that point with a piece of cardboard on a stick? Can we ask someone to express even a little decency and not stand there in the midst of a public gathering with mixed company and a sign that refers to male genitalia? Why are these things acceptable?! When did this become acceptable?! What will it take for us to snap out of it?! These are not commonplace! This should not be normal. Is anyone paying attention?!